History's Greatest Battles

The Battle of Tel El Kebir, 1882, British Seizure of the Suez Canal and Egypt as a "Protectorate"

September 06, 2024 Themistocles Season 1 Episode 25

With their decisive victory, Britain didn’t just seize control of Egypt—they claimed the lifeline of empire, the Suez Canal, placing a stranglehold on the heart of global trade. From this powerful perch, British influence rippled across the Middle East like an unstoppable force, bending the region to its will for nearly a century. Only in 1956, with the Suez Crisis, did Britain’s iron grip finally begin to slip, marking the end of an era of imperial dominance that had once seemed unshakable.

Tel El Kebir. 13th September, 1882.
British Forces: 17,401 Men.
Egyptian Forces: ~ 22,000 to 25,000 Men.

Additional Reading and Research:

  • Featherstone, Donald. Colonial Small Wars, 1837 - 1901.
  • Marlow, John. Cromer in Egypt.
  • Porter, Bernard. The Lion's Share. 
  • Farwell, Byron. Queen Victoria's Little Wars.

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