History's Greatest Battles

The Battle of Poltava, 1709, Russia Destroys Sweden Becoming Europe's Dominant North-Eastern Power Player

September 09, 2024 Themistocles Season 1 Episode 28

The crushing defeat of Sweden signaled the twilight of its imperial dominance, marking the irreversible decline of a once-great northern kingdom. In its place, Russia ascended—no longer a distant, peripheral force, but a burgeoning empire whose power now demanded the full attention of Europe. Peter’s victory at Poltava had reshaped the balance of the continent, heralding Russia’s rise as a formidable power on the European stage, an empire poised to cast its shadow over the centuries to come.

Poltava. 28th of June, 1709.
Swedish Forces: 17,000 soldiers, four cannon.
Russian Forces: 44,000 soldiers, 100 cannon.

Additional Reading and Research:

  • Fuller, J.F.C. A Military History of the Western World.
  • Creasy, Edward. Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World.
  • Robert, Michael. Sweden's Age of Greatness, 1632-1718.
  • Hatton, R.M. Charles XII of Sweden.

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