History's Greatest Battles

The Battle of Gaugamela, 331 BC, Alexander's Decimation of the Persian Empire, The Advent of Greek Culture and Values in to East

September 14, 2024 Themistocles Season 1 Episode 33

With his decisive victory, Alexander shattered the Persian Empire, bringing to its knees an ancient dynasty that had once ruled from the Mediterranean to Central Asia. In its place, he flung open the gates of the East, laying bare the vast territories stretching to India, ripe for the unstoppable Macedonian war machine to sweep across in conquest. What had once been the heartland of the Persian kings now became the hunting ground of Alexander, as he carved a path deeper into the unknown, leaving nothing unconquered in his wake.

Gaugamela. 1st October, 331 BC.
Macedonian Forces: ~ 47,000
Persian Forces: ~ 200,000

Additional Reading and Resources:

  • Fuller, J.F.C. A Military History of the Western World.
  • Tarn, W.W. Alexander the Great.
  • Selincourt Translation; Arrian. The Campaigns of Alexander.

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