History's Greatest Battles

The Battle of Alesia, 52 B.C., Besieged While Besieging, Rome Takes Gaul

September 15, 2024 Themistocles Season 1 Episode 34

Caesar’s crushing defeat of the united Gallic tribes cemented Roman dominance over Gaul for the next five centuries, transforming the region into a cornerstone of the Empire’s might. Yet, this triumph carried a darker legacy. The immense glory and power Caesar amassed from his conquests ignited a fierce rivalry with the Roman Senate, setting him on a collision course with the Republic itself. His next great campaign would not be against foreign foes, but against Rome—his own motherland.

Alesia. July - October, 52 B.C.
Roman Forces: 50,000 to 55,000 men.
Gallic Forces: ~ 333,000 men.

Additional Reading and Resources:

  • Durant, Will. Caesar and Christ.
  • Caesar, Julius. War Commentaries of Caesar.
  • Meier, Christian. Caesar.

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